Supplier Code of Conduct
At H2O Flow, we are committed to conducting our business in an ethical, responsible, and sustainable manner. We believe that working collaboratively with our suppliers is essential to achieving our goals and maintaining the highest standards of integrity throughout our supply chain. This Supplier Code of Conduct outlines our expectations and requirements for all suppliers to ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and ethical practices. By partnering with us, suppliers are expected to adhere to the following principles:
Legal Compliance
Suppliers must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards in the jurisdictions where they operate. This includes but is not limited to labour laws, environmental regulations, health and safety standards, and fair competition practices.
Labour and Human Rights
Suppliers must uphold and respect the fundamental rights of their workers, providing a safe and healthy working environment free from discrimination, harassment, or any form of forced or child labour. They should comply with all applicable labour laws, including those pertaining to working hours, wages, benefits, and freedom of association.
Ethical Business Practices
Suppliers must engage in ethical business practices, promoting integrity, honesty, and transparency in all their interactions. They should avoid conflicts of interest, bribery, corruption, or any other unethical activities that could undermine the trust and reputation of both parties.
Environmental Stewardship
Suppliers must demonstrate a commitment to environmental sustainability by minimizing their environmental impact. This includes managing and reducing waste, conserving energy and water resources, and complying with relevant environmental regulations. Suppliers should also strive to develop and provide products that are environmentally friendly and promote sustainable practices.
Quality and Safety
Suppliers must consistently deliver products and services that meet or exceed agreed-upon quality standards and comply with applicable safety regulations. They should establish robust quality control processes, ensure product safety, and promptly address any quality or safety issues that may arise.
Supply Chain Management
Suppliers must ensure transparency and accountability throughout their own supply chains. They should assess and manage risks associated with their suppliers, including those related to social, environmental, and ethical practices. Suppliers are encouraged to work towards responsible sourcing and collaborate with H2O Flow to promote sustainability across the entire supply chain.
Continuous Improvement
Suppliers are expected to continuously improve their performance in accordance with this Supplier Code of Conduct. This includes setting goals, measuring progress, and implementing corrective actions where necessary. Suppliers should also engage in dialogue and collaboration with H2O Flow to drive innovation and advance sustainability initiatives.
Failure to comply with this Supplier Code of Conduct may result in corrective actions, including termination of the supplier relationship. H2O Flow reserves the right to conduct audits, inspections, and assessments to verify compliance with the code.
By aligning with our Supplier Code of Conduct, suppliers play a crucial role in helping H2O Flow achieve its sustainability goals and maintain our commitment to ethical and responsible business practices. Together, we can create a positive impact on the environment, society, and the well-being of all stakeholders involved.
By signing electronically or submitting a supplier application, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to comply with the H2O Flow Canada Corp. Supplier Code of Conduct.
[Supplier Signature]
[Supplier Name]